How to Reduce Pain After Dental Implants?


If you have ever had dental implants before, you would know just how efficient they are at replacing your natural teeth. After the implant surgery, you can expect a perfect smile to stay naturally on your face. The recovery from dental implant surgery is short and has minimal risks of infection. However, while it is a short recovery process, it does involve inserting a metal implant into your jawbone. This can cause quite a bit of pain for some time. If you are experiencing pain after dental implants, here are some tips to help you counter that pain:

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Use Prescribed Painkillers

When experiencing pain after your dental implant surgery, your first step should be to take the medicines that have been prescribed by your dentist. These medicines are most likely to affect your gums and jawbone directly without causing many side-effects. Just be sure to tell your dentist an honest record of your medical history so they can prescribe pain killers that will not interfere with any conditions you may have.

Eat Soft Foods or a Take Liquid Diet

It is essential that you allow your jawbone some time to heal after the implant surgery. A great way to do this is to stick to consuming soft foods or a liquid diet. Chewy, hard, and sticky foods are bound to cause a lot of pain and they could also cause damage to your healing jawbone. It may not be an ideal diet, however it will only last for a few days after which you can enjoy your favorite meals again.

Apply an Ice Pack

In order to reduce pain of the implant surgery, you can also apply an ice pack or any bag of frozen foods. This will help to reduce any swelling from the surgery, and also make the area numb to the pain. Be sure to apply the ice pack for 20 minutes at max since beyond this time, it can harm your skin. You give a 20 minutes break after using the ice pack, and then apply another one for 20 minutes if needed.

Soak Your Mouth in Baking Soda

Mix baking soda and warm water to make a soothing mixture. Soaking your mouth in this can help you to reduce the pain as well as the swelling from the surgery. Apart from this, it can even help in speeding up your healing process by reducing the amounts of bacteria lingering in your mouth. This method can also be used for other problems such as oral sores and infections.

If your pain stays despite this, you can give it a few days to heal. However, if you feel excruciating pain even after the expected healing period, its time to speak with your dentist and discuss the possibility of an infection or other condition.

Stay connected with us for more information on dental implants