Best Dental implants in India – Are you ready for the Treatment?

 In a Dental Implant procedure, Metal is used to replace infected tooth roots. Artificial teeth are used to replace missing or damaged teeth. They look and function similarly to natural teeth

.Dentures or bridgework can be very uncomfortable, so dental implant surgery can be a very welcome alternative, which do not fit properly. Further, the patient is prevented from issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, etc.

Dental Implant Treatment Preparation

While preparing dental implants treatment, there are a few evaluation tests are recommended This includes a comprehensive dental examination, which includes the use of dental X-rays. Then, based on the needs of the patient, a custom surgical plan is created.

This whole planning is done by a team of dentists, which includes a medical professional who specialises in mouth diseases, an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon, a Periodontist who specialises in tooth structures, and a Dentist who specialises in dentures, bridges, and crowns restoration.

If the patient is taking medication for other health condition, he or she must inform the doctor. Also, Depending on the type of anaesthesia the patient will given, he or she will be given specific instructions on what to eat and drink before the procedure.

What happens during the treatment process?

During a Dental Implant surgery, the infected tooth/teeth are/are removed, and the jawbone has been prepared for the procedure. In case, the patient’s jawbone is not strong enough, Then a bone graft may be required The implant metal post is positioned in the jawbone after the jawbone has healed and is ready.

After this, a healing period of few  months is given, after that the extension of the implant is fitted. After the soft tissue has recovered, the Dentist makes molds of the teeth and jawbone and the final tooth/teeth are/are placed.


Some of the common discomforts that a patient may experience during the recovery period are::

  • Swelling of the gums and face is possible.
  • Pain at the site of the implant
  • The small amount of bleeding
  • Bruises around the gums

For these issues, apt medications are advised, which need to be taken dedicatedly. Also until the surgical site heals completely, the patient must follow a liquid diet. Generally, a Dental implant recovery is of about 4-6 months but it all depends on whether it is a single implant or multiple implants.


Although problems from this surgery are extremely rare, the following are the most common risks:

  • Infection affecting the implant's site
  • Injury or damage to nearby structures such as blood vessels or other teeth
  • Nerve destruction that can bring a lot of pain, numbness or tingling sensation in the original teeth, gums, lips or chin
  • Sinus problems can arise if Dental Implants in the upper jaw invade into one of the sinus cavities.

Where can I get the best dental implant treatment in India?

The healthcare services that India provides to the rest of the world are best with international standards.Hospitals and healthcare professionals are constantly setting new standards.

There is world-class treatment available for patients from all walks of life and economic backgrounds. More specifically, the patients, who are coming here for Dental Implants in India are surprised to see the excellent standards of the best Dental Implant Clinics and Hospitals in India and the cheap cost as well.

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